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21st May : Breastfeeding Protection Day

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21st May : Breastfeeding Protection Day

The title may seem surprising for many of us but this is a burning reality of the hour. We are fighting to promote Breastfeeding across the globe in order to get better on the statistics. The current rate of breastfeeding in 1st hour of birth is just 50% according to NFHS 5 and it shows a declining trend in several states.

This is alarming! It is because according to WHO, across the globe 51% of 8258 pregnant and postpartum women in their study got exposed to formula milk marketing.

Breastfeeding is under attack from baby formula milk industries according to the research of BPNI where the first feed given to the baby in the majority maternity homes is a bowl of such breast milk substitutes The irony lies in the fact that mother is present beside the crying baby and still she is not fed with
her milk!

22 % of infant mortality can be reduced by just providing breast milk to babies in the first hour of birth, which can make a huge difference in improving the maternal and child health scenario of our country and the world. Breastfeeding has been talked about meekly in the provision of antenatal care and is rarely followed up post-delivery except in cases where the mother feels the need for assistance with painful breastfeeding or challenges with poor growth in the baby. Let us come together to protect breastfeeding on this World Breastfeeding Protection Day

By Dr.Surabhi Sangwai