Sangwai Clinics

Lactation Room
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Lactation Room

Mothers Nursing Room

Sangwai Clinics encourages and supports a mother’s decision to breastfeed. We have opened our Mothers Nursing Room for members of our community, hospital visitors and employees who are nursing to utilize at our hospital.
While women may breastfeed in any public space, our Mothers Nursing Room allows women the privacy if they desire to breastfeed their babies or express milk in a clean and spacious environment. This room is located on the ground floor of the main hospital and has two areas separated by privacy curtains as well as comfortable chairs and a sink for hand hygiene. A changing table is also provided as well as educational materials about successful breastfeeding.
It is the Hospital’s policy that any employee or member of the community who needs to express breast milk or breastfeed their infant will have access to this room 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For entry, keys will be kept with an Admitting Representative at the front desk. Guests will be expected to sign in and out of the Log Book.